Build Progress - 04/23 (2)

Build Progress - 04/23 (2)
  • Work is continuing on the transition from the Helix to Kiama. Roadbed and track is now in place.
  • I've also moved the AC out of the aisle by taking its wheels off and adding some additional ducting - you can see it just in the picture below:
Gluing in Progress
  • The transition benchwork from the top of the helix to meet Level 2 on the opposite side is just about done. The benchwork is made from brackets and 17mm ply ripped into strips:
Initial Leveling in progress with the stringline from the top of the helix to L2 at the door.
  • The plywood tops have been roughed in and will be routed later this week along the edges of the benchwork. After which 3mm XPS foam will be put on top as the roadbed for the trackwork. I prefer the XPS foam as it allows negative space to be easily created below the track, and for the run between Kiama and Berry the line passes through a lot of floodplain so shouldn't need too much depth below the rail head.
  • I am planning to make an exception for the Omega tunnels, so may end up dropping one part of the benchwork close to the helix down to help give that sheer steep hill look as it traverses along the coast.
  • Overall I'm pretty happy with how its coming along, after sitting on that helix build for so long its nice to see some progress.
  • This week I'm hoping to put the remaining droppers into the helix, and put some foam down on some of the new benchwork and the new area on Level 1. Might even get a start on the new gate - see how we go.