Build Progress - 05/23 (1)
Now that the helix is pretty much complete, things are continuing to motor along.
- Procrastination got the better of me, and I dropped the baseboards down to the bottom to give more depth in the Omega Tunnels section. In reality it wasn't a difficult task, I kind of wish I did it on other parts of Level 1 too.
- Having that depth now allows a bit more variety in the hillside down to the ocean. I've attached a reference image below from a Slow TV train ride down the Illawarra :ine, which is a great reference point: LINK
- I've completed all the ply benchwork down to the other end of Level 2. There's a cutout remaining for the transition over to the Peninsula which I think I'll start later this month.
- I've started putting down the XPS Foam around Level 2. Since Bunnings don't sell the decent stuff anymore, went with a local place in Newcastle. Easily cut with a craft knife and where I needed a bit more accuracy - my hot wire cutter.
- As I neared the door I started looking at a gate design. once I started mocking this up, I realised I didn't actually need it. I instead opted for a permanent bridge with as minimal bracing as possible. At 196cm I can easily step up into the railway room simply by leaning forward slightly. This saved a lot of fidding and allowed me to get over to the other side fairly quickly and finish the foam along the other side.
- Once this was done I started on the surface for the roadbed. I use an approach from Jason Wood's layout The Escarpment where he uses felt to help dampen the sound of the locomotives running along the track.
- I've pretty much reached the limit of my felt supply, so i'll be leaving it there for now until that arrives.
- Have also printed and cut out the curves around the corners, so I can mark them and hopefully have a nice curve and easement on each side. Am planning to superelevate these with masking tape.
- I've ordered another bunch of things of AliExpress that'll create some more work in the future. Another post on that soon.
- One last thing. My 2 yr old was scribbling on some of the offcuts as I cut out the benchwork last week, so I've dated and installed it on a location on the layout. Nice little easter egg for when he is older and hopefully helping as dispatcher!