Track Plan

The layout is a point to point style across 3 levels, with through staging on the lower level to make it easier to rotate trains for their return to the layout.

The layout runs around the outside as well as along a peninsula, with a Helix seperating Levels 1 and 2.

Level 0 - sublevel for staging. Run-through via a balloon loop that runs the entire length of staging. This allows the storage of trains in the sidings, as well as the staging of trains along the lines. The intent is for all this to be hidden and managed automatically.
Level 1 - Locales of Kembla Junction & Kembla Heights, as well as Bombo and Kiama. The helix (not shown) is in the bottom right hand corner.
Level 2 - the climb along the lower wall to Level 3, with the towns of Berry and Bomaderry/Nowra. There is a scenic divide along the peninsula, that splits the Manildra plant away from the Bomaderry Yard.